They fill in and label their own blank outline maps of the Middle East and the United States. Scatter the pages around the room, and have students move from station to station gathering the info from each page.). Penn Arts and Sciences Middle East Center (includes lesson plans) Patheos Library: Islam This webpage gives a brief and easy to follow explanation of the beginning of Islam as well as its history and beliefs; Geography of the Middle East. In this Middle East map worksheet, students record the names of the 25 noted countries on a map. This lesson plan gives students an overview of the region’s geographical past, while exposing students to the complexity and diversity of the region. Geography of the Modern Middle East and North Africa A lesson plan from Portland State University based on the Oregon Social Studies Standards. Understand and analyze the geographic history of the region, from its ancient empires to its 20th century colonial powers. Explore recipes from every country in the world.. Then, review the provided list of countries and water ways. A video resource profiles the nation's complex history and... High schoolers examine uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. 2. Middle East Maps & Printables (Y,M) From Enchanted Learning. Lesson Plan: Can the 14th Amendment be used to ensure Trump can’t run for office again? (Teacher’s note: If you do not have access to the Internet, make copies of almanac pages for each country — or for the countries on which you want students to focus. Three separate quizzes are offered. Students examine how the countries of the Middle East were created. Evaluate the arguments made in the article, and the cultural perspective of the writer. Egypt is the world's largest Arab country, and it is the center of Arab cinema and publishing. Terrorism. … Middle East Culture Power Point and Worksheet are BELOW! (Is it in the “middle” of anywhere?). May 15, 2015 - This great lesson plan collection includes seven lesson plans on the Middle East.My students enjoy these lesson plans on the Middle East and have become very engaged in them. 5. Middle East Lesson Plans. Have students read “Moslem Federation,” Washington Post, May 1941. ), Explain to students that you will now focus on post-WWI Middle East. During your European or Italy studies, work together to make an Italy shaped cake.. Geography Lesson Plans, Games, Activities, Presentations. In this Asia and The Middle East worksheet, learners answer history and geography questions about Asia and the Middle East. Where did the term come from? 1 review for Geography I: Middle East, North Africa, and Europe Set. 2 pts: Paragraph includes the dominant religion of this empire or caliphate. With a total area of nearly 3,500,000 square miles (9,000,000 square kilometers), it is only slightly smaller than the United States. Geography of the Modern Middle East and North Africa. Publisher: Memoria Press. In this irrigation lesson, students review how humans and the environment can interact with each other, learn new vocabulary words having to do with Mesopotamia, learn about irrigation and view maps of... Eighth graders find a current event related to the Middle East. 4. An all-in-one learning object repository and curriculum management platform that combines Lesson Planet’s library of educator-reviews to open educational resources with district materials and district-licensed publisher content. News for Students and Teacher Resources 6–12 Grade Level. ... Young historians are given a thorough introduction to ancient Middle East geography and the patriarchs of ancient Israel with a PowerPoint … KS3 Introductory lesson to the middle east. Created By: M. Matijevic, Mount Carmel High School, Chicago, IL Subject Area(s): World History, Contemporary World History; World Geography For Grade Level(s): 9–12 DOWNLOAD LESSON PLAN In this geography skills worksheet, learners follow the provided instructions to label and code maps of the Middle East according to country, city, and water feature. Teachers.Net features free geography lesson plans. Students identify the names of the countries in 3 minutes. Family? See their other Middle East Teaching Tools. Middle East Religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) Notes are BELOW! Highlight for students the key passages in the article. (Tribe? 'Gallery' starter activity, map work. Free Presentations in PowerPoint format. In Libya, for example, students would need to know that following Italian colonial rule, Libya was led by King Idris (1951-1969). Support Materials for a Study of Middle East Geography. The Religion of Judaism. In this online interactive geography quiz learning exercise, learners examine the map that includes 21 Middle Eastern countries. Background: Discuss this conflict with your students via a brief lecture about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and handout of newspaper articles about the conflict … For this current event lesson students write a brief summary of a new story related to the Middle East. Town? Lesson plan: What 2020 news stories mattered most to your students? Come back together as a class for a short discussion before labeling the maps together. As a class, come up with a list of qualities generally assumed to be similar about Middle Eastern countries. The letter S is the clue learners need to answer each of the seven geography questions on the worksheet. Five Themes. Historical Perspectives. ... Each learning module contains scholarly essays to help you frame the issues and examine stereotypes, as well as provide lesson plans developed in partnership with high school educators. Understand and give examples of the diversity in the region, distinguishing from prevailing stereotypes. They might say “Muslim,” for example. Middle East Geography Power Point and Worksheet are BELOW! Students develop a PowerPoint presentation and a newscast to deliver to the class. The Basics: Understanding the Upheaval in the Middle East Through this 50 minute lesson, students learn the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, where they lie on the map and how that might impact the citizens. The Geography of the Middle East The Origins of Civilization The Golden Age of Islam The Middle East As Net Exporter of Religion. While Jordan is home to a rich history, it lacks the oil of its neighbors. Lesson plan: Insurrections in American History: 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries. Middle east lesson plans and worksheets from thousands of teacher-reviewed resources to help you inspire students learning. ), Working with a partner and using in-class resources such as the Internet or almanacs, list on a graphic organizer each country’s predominant religion and % who identify with it; predominant language and % who identify with it; form of government, current leader, and his/her years in power. Continue reading →, Copyright © 2021 NewsHour Productions LLC. Religion? Middle East Geography Games are HERE! Imperialism in the Middle East and Southwest Asia, Alike and Different: The Middle East and the United States, Desert Fever: A Student-Centered Approach to Learning About the Middle East, Protests, Revolutions, and Democratic Change. There are several ways to use the site’s content. For teachers who are on the lookout for interesting geography lesson plans, this is where you will find everything you need.An invaluable resource for both homeschooling parents as well as teachers, the geography resources available online … Penn Arts and Sciences Middle East Center (includes lesson plans) Muslims and Arabs. (5 min) Working with a neighbor and a sheet of scratch paper, have students brainstorm a list of as many Middle Eastern and North African countries and capital cities as they can think of. This is a complete 15 day unit for the study of the Middle East in a Geography or other Social Studies course. Map Skills. Hand out unlabeled maps of the Middle East and North Africa to each student. geography printables, geography worksheets, and more. Middle East Review Games are HERE! History of the Middle East. Gauge to what extent students actually have a geographic knowledge of the region. The Middle East Social Studies, level: Senior Posted Fri Jun 30 07:21:12 PDT 2000 by Jaison Blystone ( University of Pennsylvania (student), Indiana,Indiana Continue reading →, For a fun end-of-year activity, students will create an online magazine using Flipboard of their top 10 news stories from 2020 to share with classmates and family members. Iranian Revolution Word Search and Printable Vocabulary Worksheets. Depending on how teachers choose to focus their unit plans, the following video clips are excellent examples of recent protests and democracy movements in the Middle East. Also, if necessary, delete question number five. Thematic Activity Lesson Plans for a Unit Study on Ibn Battuta. Students answer 10 short answer questions. Discussion: What does this information tell you about the region’s history with democratic rule? Students examine the roles of different leaders in the Middle East, the United Nations Security Proposal 242 and recognition of Israel by its Arab neighbors, and then debate the current Saudi proposal for peace in the Middle East. Geography Lesson Plans. In this Middle East lesson plan, students complete a map, research one of the five the cities and prepare a presentation that includes details about the city. There's more to Egypt than just pyramids—it is the crossroads between North Africa and the Middle East. This quiz on Middle East capitals would be a great accompaniment to a basic geography lesson on the area, or a study of current events. If they say “Arabic,” point out that Moroccan Arabic is almost unintelligible to an Arabic speaker in Jordan or Syria, for example. Understand and give examples of the diversity in the region, distinguishing from prevailing stereotypes. Includes a unit/lesson plan, student-centered activities, learning centers, online interactives, all student materials, and more.Unit covers the physical geography of the Middle Ea Egypt’s Revolution Inspires Protests in the Middle East, Disappointing Speech Incites Protesters, Leads to Mubarak’s Resignation, Egyptians Take to Streets to Oust President, NewsHour EXTRA intern Ramses Rubio describes how creativity and nostalgia have helped him through the quarantine. That’s generally true, but point out that several Middle Eastern countries (e.g. It also ensures a basic geographical starting point for any unit plan about the region, or for any mini-unit delving into Middle Eastern current affairs. Rated 4 out of 5. Lesson 1: North versus South in the 1800s. In this online interactive social studies worksheet, learners answer 9 multiple choice questions regarding the geography of the Middle East. The boundaries of the modern Middle East largely are a 20th century, post-WWI creation. Throughout this lesson plan, students will gain an understanding of why there is so much conflict in the Middle East and how the U.S. is involved in that conflict. This lesson plan gives students an overview of the region’s geographical past, while exposing students to the complexity and diversity of the region. They answer questions about African, Canadian, Middle Eastern, and US geography using locations that begin with the letter S. Young scholars write a letter. Location: A Nation Divided: The American Civil War Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to (SWBAT) understand what the focus of the unit is on. The Middle East. Instead, tourism is its oil and a major source of income. Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria) have sizable Christian populations, and that more than 80 percent of Israeli citizens are Jewish. Students compare maps of the Middle East using National Geographic's Hot Spot: Iraq, and a map of their own region, looking for similar features. What about its history as individual countries? These lesson plans can help guide and inspire classroom teaching and learning. Explore the exciting and diverse geography, people, history, governments, and economies of the Middle East. Map Symbols. Middle East and North Africa Geography. Geography Activities for Middle School: Cooking Around the Globe. 8. Comprehension questions are... Take a moment to look over this map depicting the decolonization in the Middle East. In Iran, the majority speaks Farsi (also called Persian). (Maps can be found at. What is the Middle East? Middle East Culture Prezi is HERE! Educators earn digital badges that certify knowledge, skill, and experience. View, take notes, and learn how Britain, France, Russia, and Germany all have imperialistic interests in the Middle East and Southwest Asia. For…, Discuss what’s expected from the second impeachment of President Trump. Students can research a country currently facing political turmoil and write a piece in the tone of “Moslem Federation” offering modern day guidance concerning U.S. foreign policy. Imperialism in the Middle East is the topic of this PowerPoint. In this geography skills worksheet, students identify and define 26 geographic terms and features of the Arabian Peninsula in order to prepare themselves to take a chapter test. It also ensures a basic geographical starting point for any unit plan about the region, or for any mini-unit delving into Middle Eastern current affairs. Working in pairs or groups, have students start on homework questions. LESSON 2 The Peoples of the Middle East. Student should distinguish whether the Muslim rulers are Sunni or Shiite. Using, Turkey: independent (following fall of Ottoman Empire), Israel: independent (gained statehood in 1948), Bahrain: independent (with some British oversight), Qatar: independent (with some British oversight), United Arab Emirates: independent (with some British oversight), Oman independent (with some British oversight), Yemen: independent (with some British oversight). Continue reading →, Use this NewsHour lesson to learn about the Turkish offensive into northern Syria and the chaos that has ensued for the Kurds of that region. brought Islam to North Africa), and at least two cultural or political details of the empire or caliphate. In this Islamic culture lesson, students conduct research to create personal narratives that reveal what life is like in the Middle East for Islamic teens today. By the end of the lesson… Latitude, Longitude Lesson Plan for Middle East Critical Thinking Skills, Region 7th-grade World Geography/World Cultures. Geography: An Ancient and Modern Crossroads (M,O,T) PBS lesson about the Middle East. Middle East Countries and Capitals Printables. 7. As students do this, point out anomalies. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, European colonial powers became a greater influence. Need Lesson Plans for Geography I? Middle East: Land of Contrasts A lesson plan for grades 6-8 from Discovery Education. Find the Middle East and North Africa on a map of the world, and know the location of the countries and capitals within the Middle East and North Africa. 3. Middle East Maps & Printables (Y,M) From Enchanted Learning. A comprehensive online edtech PD solution for schools and districts. Students should take notes or use a graphic organizer to record information about each empire/caliphate. Throughout history, the geography of the Middle East has been at the heart of many of its most critical political and cultural moments. You can find a variety of lesson plans here. (Due 12/7) 6. The Middle East is a vast region. In this geography skills quiz learning exercise, students take 1 of the 3 provided outline map quizzes on the 23 Middle Eastern countries. PBS 4-minute news summary: Choose your own current event! Students may submit their answers to be scored. UPDATED! Students will be able to: 1. From middle east geography map worksheets to geography of the middle east videos, quickly find teacher-reviewed educational resources. Teaching the Middle East: A Resource for Educators was created by the Oriental Institute, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and eCUIP, Digital Library Project with high school and college World History teachers in mind. Teacher Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Resources, Sign up for the Lesson Planet Monthly Newsletter, Search reviewed educational resources by keyword, subject, grade, type, and more, Manage saved and uploaded resources and folders, Browse educational resources by subject and topic, Timely and inspiring teaching ideas that you can apply in your classroom. Is it a defined land mass, or can it have different definitions? Using the internet, 7th graders research an issue within a Middle East country. Turkish offensive in northern Syria leads to ‘chaos’ for Kurds, How Michigan schools welcome refugees from Syria and Yemen, Lesson Plan: Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech as a work of literature. Maps. ), (Differentiation for special needs students: Depending on the skill level of your students, assign this as a completely independent research project, or give them a reading such as a Wikipedia page or a section from a textbook that contains the information requested. Bahrain, an island nation in the Persian Gulf, is the smallest of the Middle Eastern states. Seventh graders explore the cultural aspects of the Middle East. Continue reading →, In this NewsHour lesson plan, students will learn about the hostilities taking place in Iraq, including the U.S. killing of Iran’s top General Qassem Soleimani. Find middle east geography lesson plans and teaching resources. If we don’t mean an defined set of countries, what do we mean by Middle East? In a summary paragraph of 10 sentences or less (rubric below), summarize the time period, geographic reach and defining political and cultural traits of of one of the following: (Or, assign students one of the following, so as to make sure at least one person does each empire or caliphate. This lesson was created by Brittany Lassen (Mount Pleasant Community School District) for students from tenth to twelfth grade. Ask who was able to come up with 10/20/30 responses. A timeline provides easy access ot events across a range of themes over the past 100 years. Saudi Arabia is the largest of the core countries of the Middle East in area. Qaddafi took power from Idris in a 1969 coup, and has been in power ever since. Understanding the nuances of the Middle East is a challenge for anyone. Randy Friedland from Deerwood Academy School. For each empire/caliphate, call on one student to share his/her summary. Continue reading →, In this current events lesson, check out PBS NewsHour’s 4-minute news wrap and choose your own story to dive into! TeachersFirst offers these interactive activities to help students grasp the basic political geography and religious make-up of the region. Apply geographic knowle… 3 pts: Paragraph includes one of the most important historical legacies of this empire or caliphate (e.g. For students who struggle with comprehension skills, answer question number two for them. The geography of the country mirrors this diversity, as one can ski in the morning and be on the beach by the afternoon. All Rights Reserved, “Moslem Federation,” Washington Post, May 1941, Washington Post Article: Moslem Federation PDF, How this student became the “Quarantine Chef” during COVID. Continue reading →, Use this NewsHour lesson plan to learn about the challenges and the triumphs of recent refugee students to the U.S. Continue reading →, Students will study Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech and discuss the literary influences on King’s speech. The activities include some basic facts to acquaint students with historical events, resentments, and alliances in the region. Students then list the capital cities of each of the 25 Middle Eastern countries. The Middle Eastern nation, however, has had to take on many refugees, thanks to brewing crisis points in... Lebanon has 18 people groups, each with its own history. PBS also has a very nice site called Global Connections: The Middle East. Save time lesson planning by exploring our library of educator reviews to over 550,000 open educational resources (OER). Students will examine the variety of groups that populate the Middle East. Find the Middle East and North Africa on a map of the world, and know the location of the countries and capitals within the Middle East and North Africa. ). Free teaching materials and educational resources for geography teachers. Lesson Plan: Why drug testing after release from prison makes getting back to life harder, Daily News Lesson: The House impeaches President Trump for a second time, Educator Voice: Voices on teaching the insurrection at the Capitol, Daily News Lesson: Capitol attack forces reckoning with radical, right-wing political factions. As a modification for students with disabilities, highlight for them key passages of the reading.). 3 pts: Paragraph includes the capital of the empire/caliphate, as well as its reach at the peak of its power. In the absence of a strong sense of nationality, to what do you think people felt loyal? Employer? Apply geographic knowledge to a 1941 newspaper article about the political future of the region. To understand the modern dynamic of the region, however, it’s important to be aware of the boundaries and the leaders that existed for centuries before. Ask who was able to come up with a total area of nearly square... Questions regarding the middle east geography lesson plans of the region students that you will now focus on post-WWI Middle in... Concerns history or current affairs on: April 24, 2008 Middle videos... For schools and districts earn digital badges middle east geography lesson plans certify knowledge, skill, and of... 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