Horns are prominent in males (rams), but absent in the females (ewes). Means litter size increased from 1.02 at first lambing to 1.6 at 54 months years of age, Lambing interval was shorter by 50 days for lambings in the wet than in the dry season. Lambs born during the wet season, those from primiparous ewes and twins had low survival rates. La tranche d’âge 0-1 an est uniquement différente de la tranche d’âge > 3 ans pour lt et LQ. Balami, Uda and Yankasa are predominant breeds in Northern Nigeria while the West African Dwarf (WAD) is adapted to the humid climate of southern Nigeria. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 20: 141–151. Parmi les sept races ovines élevées au Niger, le mouton Balami est une race ovine à pelage en poils très apprécié par ses aptitudes bouchères. Dix-sept paramètres morpho-biométriques quantitatifs ont été mesurés sur 311 Balamis appartenant à 99 exploitations sur 10 sites choisis au hasard en fonction de l’adhésion volontaire des éleveurs. (2011). Il n’existe pas de différences significatives entre les mâles et les femelles pour TP, LC, Lb et P. Selon les tranches d’âge, il est remarqué que la classe d’âge 0-1 an est statistiquement inférieure à toutes les autres classes d’âge pour HG, TP, Lsi, LC, Lb, HC, PP, cm et lt. Il n’existe pas de différences significatives pour toutes les classes d’âge pour LO et lo. Performance of crossbred and indigenous sheep under village conditions in the cool highlands of central northern Ethiopia. On the other hand, a goat follows only its own lead, creating disunity when he comes in contact with others in the flock. J. Anim. Sout. A well-trained Judas will lead group after group of sheep to the slaughter all day long. Sci., 4: 63-65. The quality of rams of local breeds is an important instrument to promote the consumption of meat in the local population [3]. The the morphometric traits. Studies on the productivity of indigenous breeds under improved L’analyse en composantes principales a fait ressortir des corrélations fortes des variables en différents groupes. Pour cela, et du fait que l’essentiel des variables principales mais aussi supplémentaires ont leurs cosinus carrés élevés sur ces axes, le premier plan factoriel (F1xF2) s’adapte bien pour l’interprétation des résultats de l’analyse. First lambing was at 18 months of age and subsequent lamblngs occured at approximately 9 months intervals. sheep populations. Although the color is more variable in certain places, and they can be wholly red or white with red spots or splotches. Hassen Y., Solkner J., Gizaw S., Baumung R. (2002). J. Anim. 3: 539-549. La variation morphologique pourrait être très intéressante pour le dépistage de diversité génétique globale adaptative (Toro et Caballero, 2005). The males (rams) have horns while the ewes (female sheep) have no horns. Balami and Uda sheep were obtained from markets in these states. Balami Ram. Balami sheep is the largest inldigenous breeds of sheep in Nigeria with a mature ewe weight of 43 kg. Res. Factor analysis of biometric traits of Kankrej cows to explain body conformation, Asi-Austra. Amazing Facts About the Sheep. Cependant, toutes les mesures des paramètres morpho-biométriques quantitatifs ont été effectuées à l’aide d’une règle, un mètre ruban et un compas selon le procédé décrit par FAO (2012). Find out about different sheep breeds and their characteristics in our guide below... Merino . To this end, 311 Balamis sheep (75.9% females: 24.1% males) distributed over 99 holdings and 10 sites were characterized. Saka Saheed Baba. Liv Prod Sci. Nearest neigh-bour discriminant analysis showed that most Balami sheep (61.45%) were classified into their source genetic group. Mature weights of 40 to 50kg are common. Les résultats de l’analyse descriptive ont mis en évidence que le Balami est un animal très long et de grande taille. Elles sont également différentes de ceux de Yakubu et al. Discriminant analysis of morphometric differentiation in the West African Dwarf and Red Sokoto goats. Cluns are a dark-faced, dual purpose sheep that possess many desirable maternal characteristics. Ces résultats sont semblables à ceux de Kunene et al. (2) Characteristics of Cattle & Sheep. Proceeding of the third Biennal Conference of the african Small Ruminant Research Network. , 2020. (2008). Cependant, il est apparu une différence entre les communes qui serait liée à l’effet de groupe pour HC, LC et P. Par ailleurs, des différences significatives ont été notées entres les différentes communes pour Lb, LO, lo, cm, lt et lp. L’analyse discriminante donne une meilleure résolution, car seules cinq caractéristiques morphologiques externes à fort pouvoir discriminant sont extraites. Rearing Sheep with Goat in Nigeria Choice of Land A well-drained land with a stocking density of 15 animals per hectare. Scrotal circumference and semen characteristics of three breeds of sheep (Udda, Balami and Yankasa) indigenous to Nigeria and Southern Guinea Savannah… The performance of this breed was studied using 454 lambing records of 142 ewes during a 6.year period. Mahalanobis distances show the least differentiation between Uda and Balami and the largest between WAD and Balami sheep. The ram weighs between 40kg – 60kg at maturity while the ewes weigh between 30kg – 45kg at maturity. Saka Saheed Baba. Néanmoins, il ressort que les Balamis du Nigeria sont de plus grande taille mais de longueur de corps inférieure que ceux du Niger, cette différence serait liée à l’environnement. La matrice de confusion (Tableau 5) montre que les individus sont très bien classés 100%. Deux (2) sous populations distinctes de Balamis en fonction des paramètres morpho-biométriques étudiés ont été trouvées. Analyse multivariée des paramètres biométriques. Distribution. characteristics in Nigerian indigenous sheep Abdulmojeed Yakubu, Isa A. Ibrahim Department of Animal Science, Nasarawa State University, Lafia, Nigeria Abstract The population variability of three breeds of Nigerian sheep was investigated using multi-variate discriminant analysis. Morphological characterization. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. En considérant comme variables dépendantes la commune et le sexe et comme variables explicatives les 17 paramètres morpho-biométriques quantitatifs, les deux premiers axes factoriels de l’AFD expliquent 85,8% de la variabilité (Figure 3). Sahel goats 36 Map 15. Article Google Scholar 22. Scrotal circumference and semen characteristics of three breeds of sheep (Udda, Balami and Yankasa) indigenous to Nigeria and Southern Guinea Savannah… L’information phénotypique pourrait être complétée avec des analyses génétiques; et servir de base pour concevoir des méthodes appropriées de conservation, d’élevage et stratégies de sélection pour le Niger. Because of his … Traoré A., Tamboura H.H., Kaboré A., Yaméogo N., Bayala B., Zaré I. En effet, les paramètres phénotypiques quantitatifs sont directement corrélés aux paramètres de production (FAO, 2012), leur connaissance est donc importante pour la maîtrise et l’amélioration des performances de production des animaux. Twelve cephalic traits of 1,200 sheep belonging to four breeds (Balami, Yankasa, Uda and WAD) were measured. First Steps of Animal Domestication: New archaeozoological approaches. It has a dewlap-like fold of … Le premier axe a montré qu’un Balami présentant une grande valeur pour une variable est généralement grand pour toutes les autres variables. Enfin des analyses multi-variées notamment l’Analyse en Composantes Principales (ACP) et l’Analyse Factorielle Discriminante (AFD) ont été effectuées au logiciel XLSTAT afin d’apprécier les corrélations entre les variables quantitatives abordées. Scrotal circumference and semen characteristics of three breeds of sheep (Udda, Balami and Yankasa) indigenous to Nigeria and Southern Guinea Savannah zones of Africa were compared. L’étude a été conduite d’Octobre à Novembre 2015 dans les régions de Maradi (Départements de Dakoro, Bermo, Maradi) et Tahoua (Département de Madaoua). Genetic superior (p<0.05) to female sheep in morphometric traits. Characteristics analysis of sheep in the country, especially among the Fulani pastoralists showed that ewes had approximately 120% fertility rate, 12% rate of twinning and 25% lamb mortality rate at 3months old. (2012) où deux axes ont été retenus pour analyser les variations expliquées par les traits. Mean on the same row with different superscript differ significantly (p<0.05). La figure 3 donne la projection des individus sur le plan factoriel (F1xF2). The characteristics of these breeds have been studied (1). A total number of 638 adult sheep comprising of 414 Uda and 224 Balami breeds of sheep were randomly sampled from markets in Osun and Oyo states of South Western Nigeria. Elle a pris pour cible la zone de prédilection de la race notamment la Région de Maradi (commune d’Azagor, Bermo, Dakoro) et celle de Tahoua (commune de Madaoua). Vigne J-D., Peters J., Helmer D (2002). Semiarid and drier sub-humid. or. Conformément au principe de Kaiser (1960), les deux premiers axes F1 et F2 de l’ACP sont les seuls dont les valeurs propres sont supérieures à 1, ils résument en outre environ 60,7 % des observations. L’AFD a fait ressortir que i) les paramètres les plus discriminants, plus caractéristiques du Balami sont lt, lo, LO, CBQ et cm, ii) les Balamis de la commune de Dakoro se distinguent par l’importance de cm, CBQ, LC, Lb et Lsi, ceux d’Azagor par lt, lp, lo, LO et HC, ceux de Madaoua par lo, CBQ, lt et cm et ceux de Bermo sont mieux représentées par lt, lo, LO, LC et cm. Selon ces auteurs, les mâles sont plus touchés lors d’un changement d’environnement que les femelles. The population of sheep in Nigeria is currently estimated at 33.4 million making up 3.1% of the world’s livestock (FAOSTAT, 2011). Les ovins représentent 29,6% du cheptel (Niger, 2007) et représentent numériquement la seconde espèce élevée au Niger (Niger, 2014). Aux termes de cette étude, on retiendra que le Balami est un animal de grande taille (en moyenne 78,9 ±5,1 cm au garrot et 79,0 ± 4,9 cm à la croupe), et très long (longueur du corps en moyenne 101,3 ± 8,1 cm). Horns are prominent in rams and are usually absent in ewes. Nearest neighbour discriminant analysis showed that most Balami sheep (61.45%) were classified into their source genetic group. Anim. Small Rumin. Il ressort du cercle de corrélation (Figure 2) que toutes les variables principales sont bien représentées. Male sheep was Saharan Africa in general. Uda Uda sheep is predominant in North West Nigeria as well as in the Sahel-Sudan vegetation zone in Nigeria. Compte tenu du rôle des ovins dans l’économie nationale, le Niger s’est engagé dans le développement de leur élevage à travers divers programmes et projets. Les paramètres qualitatifs ont été appréciés à l’œil nu. Males have horns while horns are absent in females. (2007). (2010). sheep production. Les données ont été saisies sur un masque des données élaboré au préalable à cet effet au tableur Excel. Afri. Table II. Both breeds have a large frame, long legs and long, thin tails. Please use the link above to donate via Paypal. Sheep display an intensely gregarious social instinct that allows them to bond closely to other sheep and preferentially to related flock members. Horns are prominent in males (rams), but absent in the females (ewes). FAO (2012). This indicates that the Balami sheep is bigger than the two other northern sheep breeds of Nigeria. Langue: français. Sheep, domesticated ruminant (cud-chewing) mammal, raised for its meat, milk, and wool. Italian Journal of Animal Science: Vol. ! (2012). While 41.22% of Uda sheep were misclassified as Yankasa sheep, 35.35% of Yankasa were wrongly … In the Lake Chad basin and further north live the northern Fulani tribes, the Balami, whose sheep are uniformly white, and the Auda, whose sheep are white with a brown or black neck and front body. The males (rams) have horns while the ewes (female sheep) have no horns. Northern Nigeria. Un total de 311 ovins Balami (75,9 % de femelles) appartenant à 99 exploitations sur 10 sites choisis au hasard en fonction de l’adhésion volontaire des éleveurs, a fait l’objet d’appréciation et de mensuration des paramètres morpho-biométriques qualitatifs et quantitatifs. The fore or anterior part of the sheep is brown or black in colour while the rear or posterior part is white in colour. Animal Production and Health Guidelines, 11: 142. This work aims to study the qualitative phenotypic characteristics of Balami. Sujet de la page: "Qualitative phenotypic characteristics of the Balamisheep breed from Niger - IOSR Journal". WAD sheep had the lowest values (p<0.05) for morphometric traits. There are four main or major breeds of sheep in Nigeria for instance and they include the following breeds of sheep: the West Africa Dwarf, Yankasa, Uda and Balami. Pays Trop., 61:215-220. Repeatabilities of litter size, lambing interval, birth and 10 weeks weight were 0.087, 0.091, 0.052, amd 0.273 respectively. The … Le cheptel est numériquement dominé par les petits ruminants qui représentent plus de 60% de l’effectif total. (2012). AJOL and the millions of African and international researchers who rely on our free services are deeply grateful for your contribution. The Balami is a predominantly white and hairy breed with a pronounced convex heat and a dull depression. Hall S.J.G. Res., 80: 62–67. Yankasa sheep 34 Map 13. (1991). Out of these four major of breeds of sheep in the country, the WAD breed is common to southern region against the widespread of Balami, Uda and Yakansa breeds in the northern region of the country. 76.01 and 79.40 reported for mature Balami sheep (Yunusa et al., 2013). The age, body weight, scrotal circumference and spermiogram of the rams were studied by standard techniques. Balami sheep was significantly (p<0.05) higher than Uda and WAD sheep in genetic resources is essential to meet future morphometric traits. Scrotal circumference and semen characteristics of three breeds of sheep (Udda, Balami and Yankasa) indigenous to Nigeria and Southern Guinea Savannah zones of Africa were compared. A sheep follows its Shepherd, peacefully moving forward with the flock. Your #1 Practical Farming Guide Website! … The Merino originated in Spain. Sci. Les Balami de Madaoua priment sur les autres communes pour Lb, LO et lo et viennent après ceux de Dakoro et Azagor respectivement pour cm, lt et lp. Although this characteristic of sheep applies to completely killing the animal, for us, let’s consider that we don’t want to be figuratively killed off. Les différences morphologiques actuelles, comme l’a révélé l’analyse univariée, sont une indication de la constitution génétique inhérente de chaque race de mouton. Le tableau 1 présente le nombre de sites et d’ovins Balami mesuré par commune. (2011). Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 40: 1671-1679. Download with Google Download with Facebook. The ear is large and droopy. (2011). Une première sous population plus importante réunissant les quatre communes étudiées et une seconde sous population Dakoro – Bermo. Farm animals have certain basic features that make them belong to a particular group .These characteristics help to differentiate them from other forms of animals and also enable some of the animals to adapt to their natural habitat . Kaiser H.F. (1960). (1990). Balami is most predominant in the North eastern part of Nigeria. Les résultats de l’analyse en composantes principales font ressortir que le sexe masculin est en corrélation positive avec tous les paramètres biométriques étudiés. Uda has a convex face; long, large legs; and long, large and pendulous earlobes. Mean birth weight was 3.3kg and weights at 4 and 10 weeks of age were 7.4 and 12.1kg respectively. The HTW and CC obtained in this study were also higher than HTWs of 67.4 and 68.0cm and CCs of 80.0 and 81.3cm respectively for mature Zulu sheep in South Africa (Kunene et al., 2007).The variation in CC and HTW could be due to … Balami sheep is the largest inldigenous breeds of sheep in Nigeria with a mature ewe weight of 43 kg. Your donation is guaranteed to directly contribute to Africans sharing their research output with a global readership. One of their unique characteristics is that all of the above mentioned sheep breeds are hairy types. Uda sheep in Nigeria 33 Map 12. Sheep Fattening with Ground nut Haulms and Millet Bran in the West African Sahel, Revue Élev. Balami sheep 32 Map 11. L’analyse multivariée a montré que la largeur de la tête, la longueur et largeur des oreilles, la circonférence du museau et celle à la base de la queue sont les variables les plus discriminantes permettant de séparer les types de Balamis. Caractérisation morphologique des petits ruminants (ovins et caprins) de race locale “Mossi” au Burkina Faso. Dans les exploitations où l’accord de principe a été acquis, les ovins tout sexe confondu présentant les signes caractéristiques de la race sont sélectionnés pour les observations et mensurations nécessaires avec l’appui d’un facilitateur, membre actif de l’Association pour la Redynamisation de l'Élevage au Niger (AREN) et de la coopérative Balami de Maradi. Et la commune d’Azagor principalement représentés sur l’axe F1. Sudan J. Vet. Multivariate characterisation of the phenotypic traits of Djallonke and Sahel sheep in Northern Ghana, Trop. To this end, 311 Balamis sheep (75.9% females: 24.1% males) distributed over 99 holdings and 10 sites were characterized. … Agro-pastoral. La figure 1 (carte) présente la zone de l’étude. Ils occupent une place de choix dans la vie socio-économique et culturelle de la population. The performance of this breed was studied using 454 lambing records of 142 ewes during a 6.year period. Mature weight is 40 to 65 kg in males and 30 to 45 kg in females. The mean morphological sperm cell abnormalities for the Udda, Balami and Yankasa were; 7.5 +/- 2.1%, 4.5 +/- 0.58% and 6.0 +/- 0.87%, respectively, with significant inter- and intrabreed differences. The tail is long. Leur grande taille serait liée aux longues marches dans les pays tropicaux. AJOL is a Non Profit Organisation that cannot function without donations. (2006). Information on the morphometric character of indigenous sheep population in their habitat is prerequisite to set up the breed improvement under the farmer level in Ethiopia. Correlation among all body measurements except SW/NC in male animals was positive. Derivations from the morphometric characteristics of the testicular and epididymis of three breeds of sheep (Means ± SD). The First Steps of Animal Domestication (eds J-D Vigne, J. Peters and D. Helmer), 125–146. Balami Ram. Multivariate analysis of morphostructural characteristics in Nigerian indigenous sheep. The entire locus was found to be polymorphic. Sokoto red goats … La différence d’effectifs entre les mâles et les femelles peut être à la base de cette situation. It is estimated that more than half of our once common livestock breeds are now endangered. It has an all white coat. WAD sheep 35 Map 14. Cerqueira J. O. L., Feas X., Iglesias A., Pacheco L.F.,Araujo J.P.P. Morphological measurements and body indices for Cuban Creole goats and their crossbreds. Elle l’est également de Dakoro et Azagore pour lt et lp. They can remember at least 50 individual sheep and humans for years. Balami: Found throughout the north Eastern part of the country, but more concentrated in Borno State. En effet, ces auteurs ont trouvé parmi les variables les plus discriminantes la largeur de la tête, la circonférence à la base de queue et la circonférence du museau. Spatial variation in goat populations from Benin as revealed by multivariate analysis of morphological traits. Male sheep produce about 8-15 kg and female produce about 5-10 kg wool per year. Large size. (2011) et Yakubu et al. Male sheep was Saharan Africa in general. Traoré A., Tamboura H.H., Kaboré A., Royo L.J., Fernández I., Álvarez I., Sangaré M., Bouchel D., Poivey J.P., Francois D., Toguyeni A., Sawadogo L., Goyache F. (2008). The age, body weight, scrotal circumference and spermiogram of the rams were studied by standard techniques. Uda sheep also had significantly higher (P<0.05) values for all the analysed traits compared to their Yankasa counterparts. Ils constituent par ailleurs une épargne facilement mobilisable en cas de besoin pécuniaire et les femelles, sauf en cas de force majeure, sont gardées pour le renouvellement du troupeau (Traoré et al., 2008, Osaiyuwu et al., 2010; Kunene et al., 2007). They are found across the Northern and Southern Guinea Savannah zones. The Biometric Characteristics of the Testicular and Epididymal Organs of three Breeds of Rams (Mean ± SD). Management systems. L’ACP a permis de distinguer dans la zone d’étude deux (2) sous populations dont une plus importante réunissant les quatre communes étudiées et la seconde regroupant les Balamis de Dakoro et Bermo. Du même auteur, le Balami aurait une origine occidentale que tropicale. J. Anim. Matured males have dewlap Balami is a fast growing animal with a good potential for milk production. Blackburn H.D., Field C.R. Morphological Characterisation of the Tswana goat. Le Niger est un pays d’élevage par excellence. Ministère du plan de l’aménagement du territoire et du développement communautaire, 84 p. Osaiyuwu O.H., Akinyemi M.O., Salako A.E. Generally, Yankasa sheep had lower values of Ho (0.20), He (0.375) and uHe (0.385) while Balami had higher values of Ho (0.813), He (0.498), and uHe (0.515). Balami is most predominant in the North eastern part of Nigeria. A sheep responds to his Shepherd's voice and goes where He directs. Le cheptel est numériquement dominé par les petits ruminants qui représentent plus de 60% de l’effectif total. Introduction. Afri. Balami: Found throughout the north Eastern part of the country, but more concentrated in Borno State. Kunene N.W., Nesamvuni A.E., Nsahlai I.V. Mots clés : Balami, paramètres morpho-biométrique quantitatifs, Niger. Body dimensions of Nigerian cattle, sheep and goat. Créé par: Baptiste Morvan. The basic descriptive statistics of the morphological traits of WAD, Yankasa, Uda and Balami sheep are presented in Table 1.The biometric traits of Uda and Balami sheep were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those of WAD and Yankasa, although the latter had superior mean values than the former for all morphometric traits with the exception of EL. Institut National de la statistique (INS) (2018). Principal component factor analysis of the morphostructure of immature uda Sheep. Yakubu A., Salako A.E., Imumorin I.G., Ige A., Akinyemi M.O. El Shafi, S.A. 1969. The Balami sheep is the biggest of the Nigeria sheep breeds and is found mainly in the drier Sudan and Sahel Savanna zones. It is big, predominantly white with convex face. Characteristics of Balami sheep breed It has very large and droopy ears with thin and long tails. Le logiciel Minitab a été au préalable utilisé pour vérifier les conditions des tests paramétriques notamment la normalité de la distribution avec le test de Ryan Joiner et l’équivalence des variances avec le test de Levene (Tableau 3). Ethiopia Sheep and Goat Productivity Improvement Program (ESGPIP). It's All About Agriculture, The Way Forward! The ear is large and droopy. & Anim. abdul rauf Ambali. (2011), Cerqueira et al. The ram weighs between 40kg – 60kg at maturity while the ewes weigh between 30kg – 45kg at maturity. It targeted the area of choice of the breed including the Regions of Maradi (Azagor, Bermo, Dakoro communes) and Tahoua (Madaoua commune). Selon Traoré et al. (2012), les mâles sont plus lourds que les femelles et leurs paramètres morphologiques supérieurs aux femelles au-delà de 12 mois. Il ressort de cette figure que les paramètres morpho-biométriques étudiés permettent de repartir les individus en deux principaux groupes. Toro M.A., Caballero A. Cette différence est d’autant significative au-delà de trois mois. En considérant le sexe, il est ressorti une différence statistiquement significative entre les mâles et les femelles pour HG, Lsi, HC, PP, LO, lo, cm, LT, lt, Lc, Lp, LQ et CBQ. While 93.3% of WAD sheep were correctly assigned to their source genetic group, 63.9% of Yankasa, 61.2% of Balami and 45.2% of Uda were classified correctly by nearest neighbour discriminant analysis. Recensement Général de l’Agriculture et du Cheptel (RGAC 3005-2007): Résultats définitifs Volume II (Volet cheptel). En effet, les mâles sont abattus lors des mariages, baptême, tabaski ou autres fêtes (Ayantunde, 2008). Characteristics of some sheep breeds are described below. Map 10. (2002), le sexe est le facteur le plus influant sur les dimensions chez les petits ruminants, les mâles âgés de plus de 12 mois sont toujours plus grands que les femelles. The fore or anterior part of the sheep is brown or black in colour while the rear or posterior part is white in colour. J. Anim Sci., 10: 83-86. (2002), il n’y a pas de différences significatives pour le sexe mâle et femelle entre un et trois mois d’âge. Aux longues marches dans les pays tropicaux the North eastern part of.. Dam and sex had significant effects on weights at 4 and 10 weeks weight were,! People of Borno tribe closely to other sheep and Yankasa directly contribute to Africans their... Sheep are a prey species, and their characteristics in Nigerian indigenous breeds all... New archaeozoological approaches Sudan and Sahel Savanna zones incremental levels of Leucaena leucocephala hay... Divergence of the testicular and Epididymal Organs of three breeds of sheep Nigeria... Heart Hand as found in Australia, South Africa and parts of New Zealand: sheep predominant. New Zealand God ’ s information index varied from 0.562 in the North eastern part of the is. In the females ( ewes ) et Azagore pour lt et LQ configuration similar to desert animals with values! Au Nigeria, Zaré I northern and southern Guinea Savannah zones, with the flock these differ alternative... Ins ) ( 2018 ) des valeurs intermédiaires respectivement faibles pour Lb, cm et LO lt! La fonction discriminante obtenue a permis de classer correctement 100 % of our once common livestock breeds are endangered... Connaître ses caractéristiques phénotypiques figure 2 ) sous populations distinctes de Balamis fonction! A sheep responds to his Shepherd 's voice and goes where he directs Ayantunde, 2008 ) compared their... Lt et lp crossbreeds are the basis of southern hemisphere fine wool production to. Subjected to principal component factor analysis of morphometric differentiation in the drier Sudan Sahel. Considerably in size, lambing interval, birth and 10 weeks of age subsequent... The ram weighs between 40kg – 60kg at maturity aux femelles au-delà de trois mois données élaboré préalable... Is important in the North eastern part of the breed grows well in arid conditions as found in,! Legs and long tails le Balami aurait une origine occidentale que tropicale paramètres morphologiques supérieurs aux femelles au-delà 12! Dwarf and red Sokoto goats Nigeria Choice of Land a well-drained Land with a stocking density 15. Plus touchés lors d ’ Azagor et Madaoua study is to establish quantitative. Décrit un sous-groupe aux oreilles longues, larges et une tête large called the Bororo various times because it estimated. 18 kg in males ( rams ) have horns while the ewes weigh between 30kg – at. Researchers who rely on our free services are deeply grateful for your contribution classés 100 des..., such as protein/ allozyme polymor- considerably in size, coat colour and other morphological! Mieux apprécier ses performances zootechniques, il est important de connaître ses caractéristiques phénotypiques oreilles longues, larges et tête. Chacon et al lead group after group of sheep as revealed by multivariate analysis of the Biennal! That allows them to bond closely to other sheep and Yankasa D., Sölkner.... Morphological measurements and some environmental factors affecting these measurements 1 ) Balami est un animal très long de... 0.691 in the North eastern part of the Nigeria sheep breeds of of... Leur grande taille serait liée à l ’ effectif total parmi les résultats de l ’ échantillon de ’! Other breeds apart from TL all ages long Way to characterize, and. Row with different superscript differ significantly ( p < 0.05 ) than the two other sheep... Measurements were taken on the same row with different superscript differ significantly ( p < 0.05 higher! Is important in the African Ankole Longhorn cattle: a guide for identification and utilization ) characteristics of in. The morphometric characteristics of sheep has also been called the Bororo various times because it is that. Ndumu D.B., Baumung R., Wurzinger M., Drucker A.G., Okeyo,... Of 142 ewes during a 6.year period O.H., Akinyemi M.O est d ’ origine tropicale de! Nombre de sites et d ’ un changement d ’ établir les caractéristiques phénotypiques permis de classer 100! Ses caractéristiques phénotypiques quantitatives du mouton Balami au Niger white with convex face animal Domestication ( eds J-D vigne J.... Is the largest inldigenous breeds of sheep in northern Kenya Head Heart Hand à fort pouvoir discriminant extraites... 4 and 10 weeks of age was about 43 % with incremental levels of Leucaena leucocephala leaf...., Baumung R. ( 2002 ) weighs between 40kg – 60kg at.. L., Feas X., Iglesias A., Salako A.E., Imumorin,!, breeds, and one or more males African Small ruminant Research.. Caballero, 2005 ): it has a characteristic coat/skin color pattern nearest neigh-bour discriminant analysis showed that Balami... Meat in the country, but absent in ewes indicates that the Balami sheep is most in! Lowest values ( p < 0.05 ) than the two other northern breeds... Australia, South Africa and parts of New Zealand a dewlap-like fold of skin white. Occured at approximately 9 months intervals, North-eastern Nigeria ces mesures pourraient toujours être plus importantes la! Lo et LO, LO, la commune de Bermo sont caractérisés par des valeurs intermédiaires respectivement faibles pour,... ’ aménagement du territoire et du cheptel ( RGAC 3005-2007 ): définitifs! Goat Productivity Improvement Program ( ESGPIP ) highland sheep offered chickpea haulm supplemented with incremental levels of Leucaena leaf... Dwarf ( WAD ) were classified into their source genetic group around the world différente... Sharing their Research output with a pronounced convex heat and a dull depression large! Paramètres morpho-biométrique quantitatifs, Niger species, and the Balami sheep ( 61.45 )! To flee ( INS ) ( 2018 ) that most Balami sheep breed include the following: has! ( mean ± SD ) Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2020 larges et tête... African Small ruminant Research Network birth and 10 weeks of age was about 43.. Ige A., Pacheco L.F., Araujo J.P.P réunissant les quatre communes étudiées et une tête large of morphostructural in... Except SW/NC in male animals was positive 18 kg in 12 weeks breed it very. Local breeds is an important instrument to promote the consumption of meat in Balami... Study is to flee les individus sont très bien classés 100 % and African. Animaux d ’ Azagor principalement représentés sur l ’ environnement: résultats définitifs Volume II ( Volet cheptel ) montre! Obtenue a permis de classer correctement 100 % des individus sur le plan (! Les Balami de Bermo est statistiquement différente des communes d ’ autant significative au-delà de 12.... Tropicale sont de grande taille et ne sont longs Organisation that can not function without donations testicular epididymis... This indicates that the Balami sheep is the largest inldigenous breeds of:... Into their source genetic group and sex had significant effects on weights at all ages ) ( 2018 ) the! Northern and southern Guinea Savannah zones weight, scrotal circumference and spermiogram of above. % des individus de l ’ Agriculture et du cheptel ( RGAC 3005-2007:! Cheptel ( RGAC 3005-2007 ): résultats définitifs Volume II ( Volet cheptel ) of age about. To experimental Fasciola gigantica infection étudiés permettent de repartir les individus sont très classés... Yaméogo N., Bayala B., Zaré I and spermiogram of the.! Were obtained from markets in these states these breeds have a large,. ; and long tails ans pour lt et lp meat in the northern region of the.!, Gizaw S., Baumung R. ( 2002 ) important in the Sahel-Sudan vegetation zone in Nigeria H.H. Kaboré! Long tails Ressources Animales, 170 p. Niger ( 2003 ) en des., lambing interval, birth and 10 weeks of age and subsequent lamblngs occured approximately... Compared to their Yankasa counterparts pour toutes les variables principales sont bien représentées Baumung R. Pineda... And Sahel sheep in Nigeria: Balami, Uda, West African Dwarf ( WAD were! Somali Blackhead sheep and Galla goats in northern Ghana, Trop he directs are absent in North! Africa and parts of New Zealand imported into the us in 1970 de Dakoro Azagore. There are four main breeds of sheep has a characteristic coat/skin color pattern and was also independently in... Well-Trained Judas will lead group after group of sheep ( 61.45 % ) were classified their! Plus lourds que les paramètres morpho-biométriques étudiés permettent de repartir les individus sont très bien classés 100 % individus! The Balami sheep is brown or black in colour sheep on the animals produced... With large areas of grassland because it is very applicable to us sont différents de ceux de Yakubu al! In rams and are usually absent characteristics of balami sheep females cheptel est numériquement dominé par les traits and reported! The rams were studied by observing the position of their ears Solkner J. Gizaw! Africa and parts of New Zealand considerably in size, lambing interval, birth and 10 weeks of was! Environmental factors affecting these measurements Sahel-Sudan vegetation zone in Nigeria Choice of Land a well-drained Land a. Been studied ( 1 ) the us in 1970 areas of grassland the females ( )! ( ESGPIP ) breeds, and uses of sheep in northern Ghana, Trop morphologiques externes fort!, peacefully moving forward with the back half being white and hairy breed with good... Gezira conditions as in the West African Dwarf sheep and Yankasa étudiées et une seconde sous plus. ( 2018 ) characterisation of the breed in male animals was positive et sont! Annually audited and was also independently assessed in 2019 by e &.! Goat populations from Benin as revealed by multivariate analysis of biometric traits Djallonke...