The other lessons in this RC Airplane World Flight School  are: Welcome to my website, RC Airplane World. 1017 Rittiman Rd Next up: Lesson 6 - How to do your pre-flight checks. Ring in the New Year with great gifts for yourself. Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure. These are pretty much your three options for finding somewhere to fly rc airplanes. Welcome to (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 3 )) || We list flying sites, local hobby shops, local weather, and … google_ad_channel =""; RC Airplane World Info. If it's not, and you take to the skies, you could well have an angry official breathing down your neck and writing you a ticket! { Be safe, and be responsible when deciding where to fly! if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav2n=MSFPpreload("page/_derived/Picture.htm_cmp_sanantonio-rc010_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav2h=MSFPpreload("page/_derived/Picture.htm_cmp_sanantonio-rc010_hbtn_a.gif"); } Habu STS 70mm EDF Jet PNP. R/C Flying Fields in California. Many of these high tech toys come with state of the art cameras that are great for aerial photographs and videos. The size of your plane will determine what size area you need to fly in, but for, say, a 40 inch wingspan electric RTF airplane a ball park would provide ample airspace - that should give you an idea of the kind of area you should be looking for. This web site is dedicated to the proliferation of Remote Control hobbies in San Antonio, Texas. An exhilarating, addictive and highly rewarding hobby indeed, and one that I can highly recommend you try! google_color_bg = "FFFFFF";     210-945-8221, Hobby This is a content-based site, here to introduce you to the thrills and spills of radio control flying. R/C Flying Fields in Arizona. Following on from lesson 4, this rc flight school page will help you choose a suitable location from where to fly your rc airplane. (((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && This is a content-based site, here to introduce you to the thrills and spills of radio control flying. If you are new at flying get a trainer on the computer or alternatively get a friend with the same controller eg a DX6 and one will have a cut out switch and can take over if the plane goes astray. Place: Last Post: Threads: Posts: Events: AAGMC Litchfield Flying Field. Of course, it could be that you've bought an ultra micro type electric rc plane and that your back yard is big enough to fly it in. This web site is dedicated to Welcome to my website, RC Airplane World. Home | Site map | Search | Contact | About | Privacy Policy/Cookie info. Start 2021 the right way! So please enjoy your visit, and I wish you many future happy landings! Another point to make is that of the sun position. Place: Last Post: Threads: Posts: Events: Arvada Associated Modeler's Airpark. google_ad_height = 90; Charge your battery and fly. Your national governing body for model flying will be able to help you, here are some links for western countries: Third party liability insurance for rc flying isn't expensive and will give you good peace of mind. Just one of the numerous advantages of joining the AMA is the ability to fly your RC aircraft in places that are not designated AMA locations such as public parks, schools, and certain public lands that are free of people and obstructions (such as a non-developed area with paved roads as an example) and still be covered by AMA's liability insurance. Flying Near Airports. Content by Pete Carpenter. Such airplanes are more involved than your typical electric park flyer, so help from other modellers is always a good thing. (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 ))); Presence of objects such as trees, posts, pylons, lights, power lines etc. Such are the risks of flying RC planes, even when you're flying them properly . AMA Large Model Airplane Program Media & Resources Media & Publications AMA Air ... AMA Club / Flying Site Search. The E-flite® Habu STS 70mm EDF is the easiest to fly RC jet EVER. Depending on the size and type of your airplane, suitable locations include public parks, sports fields, ball parks, beaches, open hill sides.... You get the idea. An exhilarating, addictive and highly rewarding hobby indeed, and one that I can highly recommend you try! U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 (866) tell-FAA ((866) 835-5322) Pay attention to this one, because flying in the wrong place can potentially be very damaging to our hobby, especially since the rise of the drones and some associated negative press that the hobby has had in recent times. FPV Racers are capable of flying over 60 MPH, hurling around tight corners and narrow straight-aways. And on that note, you absolutely must check local regulations and laws to see if flying radio control aircraft is even permitted. This is a content-based site, here to introduce you to the thrills and spills of radio control flying. for our protection // -->, Rebel var a=new Image(); a.src=img; return a; google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; of Texas Soaring Society, Boerne Fly RC RC Kits 32: Great Planes Ultra Sport 60 – Making The Fiberglass Cowl Part 2 Fly RC Graupner MZ-24 Pro Radio System: Top Of The Line At A Basement Price!! //--> Check out our other sites: if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav1n=MSFPpreload("page/_derived/aerobatics.htm_cmp_sanantonio-rc010_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav1h=MSFPpreload("page/_derived/aerobatics.htm_cmp_sanantonio-rc010_hbtn_a.gif"); }     210-340-0150, HobbyTown New to RC flying? RTF remote control airplanes come with everything necessary for flight right in the box. Share; Share on Facebook; Tweet on Twitter; Drone operators should avoid flying near airports because it is difficult for manned aircraft to see and avoid a drone while flying. The ideal situation is for the sun to be behind you so there's no danger of being blinded as you're flying. Notify Me. The crucial thing to remember when flying in a public area is safety. Remote Control hobbies in San Antonio, Texas. Other things to note when looking at where to fly rc airplanes include: The bottom line is that you need a large(ish) open space where there is no danger of causing trouble, being a nuisance or risking damage to people or property. An exhilarating, addictive and highly rewarding hobby indeed, and one that I can highly recommend you try! The best and most enjoyable way to learn to fly radio controlled model aircraft is by joining a club. Call … Click here to add a place to the map and help make MapMuse even better! Place: Last Post: Threads: Posts: Events: AMPS-Arizona Model Pilots Society How close members of the public will be to you while you're flying. While it's true that most of us are using 2.4GHz radios these days, it's still very possible that you have bought an rc airplane that utilises a traditional MHz radio system. Aircraft - Electric - Micro & Indoor Airplanes (FS/W) A place to sell or trade lightweight electric-powered RC airplanes or parts that fit into the micro or indoor sizes - including small 3D, pattern, sport, and micro RTF planes like Aero Ace. I only opened it for checking the content. function MSFPpreload(img) Frequency interference is a very serious issue and can't be ignored if there's potential for conflict. Drones are the hottest thing in radio control today. ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && Depot Are we missing a Radio Control (RC) Airplane Clubs location or another place that you know about? Model flying liability insurance protects you against damage to people and property, which can easily happen in unfortunate circumstances. google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_color_border = "336699"; On that note, the radio control flying hobby has never been in the public eye as much as it now, thanks to the popularity of rc drones. if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav4n=MSFPpreload("page/_derived/Links.htm_cmp_sanantonio-rc010_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav4h=MSFPpreload("page/_derived/Links.htm_cmp_sanantonio-rc010_hbtn_a.gif"); } google_ad_client = "pub-5319770732816601"; FREE Shipping by Amazon. Model Aircraft flying : Fixed wing, Jets, helicopter, multi-rotor , now called Drones, flight training. // -->