Most dog owners who own rabbits or walk in their habitat with their dogs will have experienced the nasty habit from time to time. Disclaimer: My website and blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. -webkit-box-direction: normal; A: Dogs are attracted to rabbit poop because of its smell and potential nutritional value. Rabbits can cary tapeworm, fleas, and ticks. #rescuebox h1, #rescuebox h2, #rescuebox h3 { This isn’t specifically related to the droppings, but rather it’s a consequence of ingesting foreign food that is not part of the usual diet of your pet. They are grazing animals, so they are constantly eating and then pooping. For obvious reasons, we humans do not exactly find this action very appealing. If necessary, a vet might recommend feeding them human-grade protein, supplemental digestive enzymes, or probiotics to help improve a dog’s diet and overall health. This will likely initiate a great game of ‘tag you’re it’ or ‘tug of war!’ – or just buy a toy on Amazon. Why Do Dogs Eat Rabbit Poop? In most cases, dogs will not get sick from eating rabbit poop, and there’s nothing toxic in the poop, unless the rabbit ate something toxic. -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); Ask Your Own Dog Question. They leave piles in the grass as they graze, and in the perfect spot for Fido to find them. -webkit-box-direction: normal; -ms-flex: 0 1 auto; On the bright side, you will keep up with brushing your dogs teeth. Be sure to mix it up properly into the compost heap and to keep it out of reach from dogs. Neat, right? My question is, is there anything I can do to stop this behavior? In a flash, he’s running off with great excitement into the distance, with me chasing after him like a crazy person. This website is not intended to replace the professional advice of vets. The most common risk from eating rabbit droppings could be an unwanted reaction in the digestive system of your dog. Whether or not your animals snuggle up together doesn’t matter. Some dogs will even eat their own poop. Rabbit form of coccidia is not the same type of coccidia that can affect dogs, and it just simply passes through the dogs body. #rescuebox-sell { link to How Do Police Dogs Know Who to Attack, Chase, or Bite? Although the droppings do resemble a kibble in shape and size, they do not taste the same. From grass to their poop to even that of other animals. Dogs can get parasites from rabbits however, if they eat the entire rabbit. B vitamins have many benefits for Fido including improved heart, skin, and digestive health. If you keep rabbits and their poop is all over the yard, remove and clean up as much of it as possible. Your Dog has a Medical Condition “Any medical problem that leads to a decrease in the absorption of nutrients, causes gastrointestinal upset or causes an increase in the appeal of the dog’s stool, could lead to coprophagia,” write vets Debra Horwitz and Gary Landsberg for VCA Hospitals. Ask Your Own Dog Question. This is why learning how to clean rabbit poop becomes mandatory. display: flex; Veterinarians have found that some parasites are “species specific”. Without being too pessimistic, dog eats rabbit poop. Dogs can get parasites from rabbits however, if they eat the entire rabbit. So, always strive to keep your dog away from deer poop, rabbit poop, horse poop, or any type of feces. Thank you. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for dog medical advice. This simply involves putting something on the rabbit poop that your dog will hate the taste of. The only real issue is whether or not the rabbit is eating the right type of poop. Rabbit Poop. For obvious reasons, we humans do not exactly find this action very appealing. If a dog is nutrient deficient or hungry it will usually find a way of showing us, and that can manifest itself by eating things it believes will contain the nutrients it is missing. It is possible that the antibiotics the dogs were on may have allowed the yeast to spread through the gut leading to diarrhea. align-items: center; margin-bottom: 1rem; Comforting A Dying Rabbit - A Documentary. No, stop that! Use promo code GGRB10CENT at checkout. Dogs can get sick from eating deer poop, or any other form of feces for that matter. They can only reproduce inside rabbits, not dogs, so while they may show up on a lab test, they won’t cause any symptoms. flex: 0 1 auto; Still, it shouldn’t be encouraged. They leave piles in the grass as they graze, and in the perfect spot for Fido to find them. These are tiny clumps of undigested food, full of nutrients that the rabbit typically consumes immediately after passing them. My little Pekingese Dachshund seems to have developed a new appetite for these delicacies, thanks to the recent arrival of these hoppy rodent friend in the neighborhood. @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { Since only cecotropes contain nutritional value for the rabbit, if they are eating their hard droppings, it implies there is an issue. Some dogs display symptoms including loss of appetite, bloody diarrhea and dehydration, while other dogs have no symptoms whatsoever. marshall dillon Well-Known Member. When he stops smelling my hand and turns, I will congratulate him on the good behavior. -ms-flex-align: center; We want our dogs to be safe, Nevertheless, as the dog owner, you should strive to keep your dog away from rabbit poop. This isn’t what most people want to hear, but finding rabbit poop everywhere can sometimes be a normal part of being a rabbit owner. -webkit-box-direction: normal; padding: 1rem; box-sizing: border-box; The technical term for eating feces is known as coprophagia, and we cannot always tell why a dog will do this from one day to the next. A rabbit’s diet is mostly composed of vegetables and greens. She hangs with my dogs a ton, she kind of plays with them, she lets one of them lick her. The moment I see him eating rabbit poop, I stop him by shouting “stick”. A rabbit’s diet is mostly composed of vegetables and greens. (+ What Age They Learn It), How to get the fox poo smell out of your dog’s fur. #rescuebox .plan-size img[src*="arrow"] { But that’s doesn’t mean rabbit poop can’t harm your dog if eaten. →. display: -webkit-box; Rabbit poop is not dangerous for dogs to eat. In this case, without an urgent concern, the addition of water-rich vegetables or feeding aids may be sufficient. } text-decoration: none; -webkit-box-direction: normal; } Dogs will eat rabbit poop because they enjoy the taste and smell. color: #1c75bc; The most obvious tip is is to limit the interaction and shared space between dogs and rabbits. #rescuebox .plan-size img { Firstly, I will choose a room where there are no distractions for Claude and I will have a treat in my hand. Dogs that hunt prey such as birds and rabbits can also get the giardia parasites. #rescuebox-plans { #rescuebox * { Erecting chicken wire that is at least 2 feet high and 8 to 10 inches stop them entering your property. Dogs are incredible animals. What is it in those droppings that dogs cannot resist? Especially when trying to teach a dog the “leave it” or “drop it” command, it will be very beneficial to hone this skill while accompanying them outside. Then keeping a canine on a tick and flea product is also highly recommended. Rabbit Dogs - The Rabbit Hunting Beagle Owner Community. #rescuebox-sell div { When I am out with my own dog, the best way I find to get him to stop eating rabbit poop is the distraction technique… he loves playing fetch with stick more than anything else. The most common risk from eating rabbit droppings could be an unwanted reaction in the digestive system of your dog. font-weight: bold; And despite best efforts, realize that rabbits are different pets than cats or dogs. Nugget: Dogs may get a specific type of yeast from eating rabbit poop. As long as you keep an eye out for the droppings, and are prepared with the new command, Fido should listen. Dogs love to chew and eat loads of disgusting things they find, and rabbit poop droppings are no exception! It’s normal and somewhat common for dogs to eat the poop of another species, but it’s uncommon for adult dogs to eat their own poop or another dog’s poop. } } The danger lies in eating the rabbit. #rescuebox .plan-size { By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy. } Home Forums > Beagle Talk > The Tailgate > Rabbit Poop Discussion in 'The Tailgate' started by marshall dillon, Apr 27, 2020. Eating poop may stem from an ancient instinct in dogs to make sure they get all the nutrition they need – rabbit poop is high in B vitamins. Myths of Dogs Eating Rabbit Poop. background: white; Old deer poops may also harbor roundworms and whipworms, which can wreak havoc in your Fido’s system. } You should not be worried if you see your rabbit eating their poop. It can be impossible to prevent every single instance of your rabbit pooping outside of its’ litter-box. And since dogs have a tendency to eat grass, eating rabbit poop isn’t surprising. This is especially if a change of diet affects your dog. This can be reinforced with the command of “leave it” while playing fetch and when I decide to end the game. If the rabbit droppings are on your property you can use taste aversion techniques. -webkit-box-align: center; She is fascinated with it. But most of us don’t have the time to play with our furry best friend on the lawn outside for hours on end. -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; The rabbit form of coccidia doesn't cause harm to the dog and simply passes through the intestinal tract. A dog might find rabbit poop irresistible if they have Diabetes, Thyroid, or Cushing’s disease, so that’s another thing you need to keep in mind and get your doggo checked. My question is, is there anything I can do to stop this behavior? The round and dark brown droppings are mostly undigested grass. box-sizing: border-box; Yes! Here’s what I’ve learned along the way. You may have noticed in the past that your dog will eat some strange things. She is fascinated with it. The only real issue is whether or not the rabbit is eating the right type of poop. } }. Rabbits are herbivores and eat mostly grass. All rights reserved. 1,314 4,692. They are observed, especially in dental diseases. Virginia. } #rescuebox .plan-size h3 { It is a healthy and necessary part of their digestive process. Additionally, your dog may have a stomach upset after eating the dog poop. Is it fox or coyote poop ? In this case, without an urgent concern, the addition of water-rich vegetables or feeding aids may be sufficient. Other helpful deterrents include human or pet hair, cat litter or dried blood meal, sulfured eggs, and garlic. -webkit-box-pack: justify; } Here’s what could work for you and your dog, based on what I did and vets I spoke with. text-align: left; Sometimes a dog might feel a bit of discomfort if they eat too much and it may result in an upset tummy. All of the advice and content on this website is written from my own personal perspective of owning and caring for dogs over the last few years. Help shelter animals in need and reward Fido for not eating rabbit poo with Rescue Box. Not only is it important for you to make sure the poop didn't cause your dog to get sick, but at the same time, you need to find out why they are eating the poop to begin with. HOW DO I PREVENT THIS? -ms-flex-align: center; My dog and I will be enjoying the fresh air when I notice him sniffing at what appears to be a pebble. margin: 2rem 0; But before we can talk about how to stop your dog from eating their poop and the droppings that other animals leave behind, we need to think about why they do it. A tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin is sleeping and dreaming about going to the bathroom. #rescuebox-sell img { If the problem is visits from wild rabbits, try to put a solid boundary around the perimeter of the garden. Share this conversation. But most of the time, it’s totally unnecessary to do so; it’s easier if you just look away while it’s happening. Pet stores and grocery stores often have a multitude of pet goodies to choose from, so why not keep a good stock of these in the pantry for a rainy day. It is a healthy and necessary part of their digestive process. Teaching your dog to leave the rabbit droppings will take some training and a keen eye. Rabbit poo is high in digestive enzymes and in B vitamins. clear: both; If a dog refuses to eat or drink, starts to vomit blood, and remains lethargic for more than a few hours, it will need to see a local vet immediately. -webkit-box-pack: center; Some simply enjoy the taste, and the excitement of finding “treats” in the grass. } Hooves, bones, or other non-plastic chew toys will be great at keeping a dog occupied. Cleaning rabbit poop can be quite the challenge depending on how trained your rabbit is. In addition, the types of parasites that rabbits can pass in their stool, do not cause infections in dogs. Let’s say I am teaching a dog called Claude. By focusing on either medical or behavioral reasons, you can come up preventative measures. Veterinarians will sometimes see evidence that a dog has been eating rabbit droppings by finding the parasite, coccidia, in the stool. Rabbit poop is not dangerous for dogs to eat. Vets can recommend what brand or type of food is best suited to different breeds. The veterinarians in this study speculated that the dogs may have ingested the yeast while eating rabbit poop, a favorite snack of many dogs. I also dilute the rabbit droppings in water to make a “compost tea” and then water plants with it for a healthy dose of nutrients. flex: 0 1 auto; Please support The Animal Rescue Site by adding us to your ad blocker’s whitelist – ads help us to provide food and vital supplies to shelter pets. One of the primary reasons dogs should not eat rabbit poop is that the poop may contain some microscopic pathogens and bacteria that could make him sick. If your dog is prone to eating rabbit poop, make sure there’s enough fiber and complex B-vitamins in its diet. One of the primary reasons dogs should not eat rabbit poop is that the poop may contain some microscopic pathogens and bacteria that could make him sick. When they poop, some of the proteins and fibers of their food will not be digested. Has this happened to you? How Do Police Dogs Know Who to Attack, Chase, or Bite? They are observed, especially in dental diseases. Last update: Jan 7, 2021 1 answer. This is an affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees and revenue by advertising and linking to with recommendations. margin-bottom: 1rem; Some dogs display symptoms including loss of appetite, bloody diarrhea and dehydration, while other dogs have no symptoms whatsoever. I’ll go first: * Dante - rabbit poop and dinner handouts * Bianca - grass and a piece of my clothing * Jailhouse - dried worms and a spare shirt ~ Lynette #ifdogshadpockets #yourturn #hiddengems Key word is “should”. These can be dispersed on lawns or in garden beds. For example, if you have a bottle of Tabasco sauce to hand, a few drops on the rabbit poop will soon stop your dog from eating the droppings. You will need to teach your dog “leave it”, and reward with an appropriate tasty treat. Also know, how do I get my dog to stop eating rabbit poop? I am the proud dad of Claude the French Bulldog. border-radius: 4px; A tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin is sleeping and dreaming about going to the bathroom. Best Answer. Category: Dog. Some simply enjoy the taste, and the excitement of finding “treats” in the grass. -ms-flex-flow: row wrap; Keep domestic rabbits in a separate enclosure from the dogs. Diseases to Worry About Dogs can pick up avian flu (H5N1) from the feces, meat or carcasses of infected birds. The DoggySaurus website works as a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap; Each dog has different food preferences or requirements, so be sure to find the right brand and type of food that will keep your dog healthy and sustained for longer. © 2000–2021 The Animal Rescue Site and GreaterGood. In fact, eating rabbit meat infested with certain parasites can be much more harmful to your dog than eating rabbit poop. #rescuebox-sell { I like to use environmentally friendly enriching toys to distract my dog. Spraying or sprinkling natural odors on plants can also deter rabbits, such as capsaicin (pepper extract), castor oil, ammonium salts, or predator urine. Chicken wire that is at least 2 feet high and 8 to 10 inches stop eating! 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