Quotes tagged as "science-vs-religion" Showing 1-30 of 129 “Science is not only ... most glorious—surely never again to set. ), "Without religion, we'd have good people doing good things, and evil people doing evil things. No one ever needs to identify himself as a 'non astrologer' or a 'non-alchemist'. - Charles William Stubbs, "For there is nothing either good or bad, thinking makes it so." At what age of the Christian church this heresy of immaterialism, this masked atheism, crept in, I do not know. It's been a long time since we last published a list of quotes. I think he would prefer an honest and righteous atheist to a TV preacher whose every word is God, God, God, and whose every deed is foul, foul, foul. And Jesus sent him to Scotland where he lived in a loch for O, so many years, inviting thousands of American tourists to bring their fat fucking families and their fat dollar bills. They had the Bible and we, the natives, had the land. I actually did google that and found it attributed to Dawkins. - Steven Weinberg, The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. Those that believe in this illusion, he will send to eternal damnation and he will deliver the rational beings, those who stoically refused to believe in a god, to heaven." Gotta be one of the most ludicrous fucking beliefs ever. - Carl Gustav Jung, I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. "No one gets out of life alive" is my new favorite. - Dan Barker, "All religions have been made by men." I will have faith! Here I have chosen the best 20 (after the first list) and of course, you can add any that you want to the comments. Rabia Al-Basri. The son of your own God. Bill Hicks has some amazing material on Christianity/Pro-Life etc. More men have died in their sins, judged by your orthodox creeds, than there are leaves in all the forests in the wide world ten thousand times over. "All philosophies and religions are but partial truths. -D'arcy Thompson, "We may conclude, therefore, that, in all nations, which have embraced polytheism, the first ideas of religion arose not from a contemplation of the works of nature, but from a concern with regard to the events of life, and from the incessant hopes and fears, which actuate the human mind." - Rick Reynolds, A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. - Robert A Heinlein. Explore 48 Organized Religion Quotes by authors including Julia Child, Neil Young, and Jesse Ventura at BrainyQuote. - Albert Einstein, "I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. — Ferdinand Magellan, "Let's face a historical truth: we have never had a "free market", we have always had government intervention in the economy, and indeed that intervention has been welcomed by the captains of finance and industry. Why then is god worshiped and Hitler, who committed genocide on a smaller scale, labeled evil for similar acts?" - William Drummond, Religion does three things quite effectively: Divides people, Controls people, Deludes people. - Galileo, To judge from the notions expounded by theologians, one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell. - Nicholas Yee, "God for you is where you sweep away all the mysteries of the world, all the challenges to our intelligence. ), Look at my blog! These people actually believe the world is 12 thousand years old. - Albert Einstein, "The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. Best quotes for or against religion? Discover and share Famous Quotes Against Religion. Votes: 1. ~ George Bernard Shaw, The world is not a prison house but a kind of spiritual kindergarten where millions of bewildered infants are trying to spell God with the wrong blocks. ". The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. In fact, 'atheist' is a term that should not ever exist. Without that, I couldn't do my job.”. Religion is answers that may never be questioned. "Uh-uh." Thomas Paine's disdain for religion was not only limited to the Christian faith. - Carl Sagan (1934-1996), Contact, "Religions are all alike - founded upon fables and mythologies." Once you discover it's only an illusion, that it's not even a real crutch, you discard it gladly." To fill a world with...religions of the Abrahamic kind, is like littering the streets with loaded guns. Religion is doing; a man does not merely think his religion or feel it, he ''lives'' his religion as much as he is able, otherwise it is not religion but fantasy or philosophy. Priest: "No, not if you did not know." Christianity is usually called a religion. Believe or die! Then he is malevolent.Is he both able and willing? ~ me. My favorites: "The time has come for people of reason to say: enough is enough. - Voltaire, Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to the garage makes you a car. ~George Bernard Shaw, The god who is reputed to have created fleas to keep dogs from moping over their situation must also have created fundamentalists to keep rationalists from getting flabby. 6. I feel like this quote is a good response to those who aren't very religious and believe in things like heaven just because they like the idea. And a ton of other great quotes from the man on religion at http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/quotes/zappa.htm. From Bill Hicks; Quote:"Fundamentalist Christianity. If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred and division, it were better to be without it, and to withdraw from such a religion would be a truly religious act. -- Elmer Homrighausen, Christianity in America, I recall the story of the philosopher and the theologian. You simply turn your mind off and say God did it." weapon against the long night of physical slavery. There is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham. "Oh," says man, "but the Babel Fish is a dead give-away, isn't it? Robert Green Ingersoll, "Fear paints pictures of ghosts and hangs them in the gallery of ignorance." Religion has become so many different things. I will be strong! Lighthouses are more helpful than churches. According to him: In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they actually change … Thank you, Lord. George Carlin, "One man's theology is another man's belly laugh." Most Gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child. The merciful Allah does not forgive such a heinous crime of sharing the throne with Him. Do you ... (570 quotes) Religion is the metaphysics of the masses. A one word question. Hey kid, looking for god , stay away from the church .... good luck grasshopper. ", "I'm sorry if anyone here is Catholic. But heresy it certainly is." He was evidently against conventional religion; and the traditions and dogma that prevail within religion. Well, how fucking scientific! But against it, deeply entrench'd, holding possession, yet remains, (not only through the churches and schools, but … Never is this more apparent than when the lie pointed out is a lie to oneself, and the anger never more fierce than when the lie is one of religion." "And lo, Jesus and the disciples walked to Nazareth. R Dawkins, "Faith must have adequate evidence else it is mere superstition"...Alexander Hodge (1823-1886), "A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987). - Frank Zappa. --Thomas Paine, in The Age Of Reason, quoted with approval by David Mills in Atheist Universe, ch. "History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis. This should give Christians pause when expounding their religious beliefs, but it does not. ", "Nothing could be more idiotic and absurd than the doctrine of the trinity. - Carlespie Mary Alice McKinney, “There are no atheists in foxholes” isn’t an argument against atheism, it’s an argument against foxholes. The new soft totalitarianism that is advancing on the left wants to have a state religion It is an atheist, nihilistic religion - but it is a religion that is obligatory for all. However, Mark Twain was not considered an atheist. "Urging humans to be superhumans, on pain of death and torture, is the urging, of terrible self-abasement at their repeated and inevitable failure to keep the. And O, the disciples did run a-shrieking: 'What a big fucking lizard, Lord!' Buy any item on AMAZON, and we'll use the small commission to help improve critical thinking. Sometimes that conversation can get quite heated and even turn into an argument. -Brent Yaciw, "If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion.” --Edmond de Goncourt, "The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike." Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs. ~Isaac Asimov, I. Asimov: A Memoir. From the age of fifteen, dogma has been the fundamental principle of my religion: I know no other religion; I cannot enter into the idea of any other sort of religion; religion, as a mere sentiment, is to me a dream and a mockery. Discover and share Famous Anti Religion Quotes. 27 Quotes About Religion That'll Move You "My religion is very ... Islam has shown me that a blanket indictment of all white people is as wrong as when whites make blanket indictments against … It proves You exist, and so therefore You don't. - Eric Hoffer, If I were personally to define religion, I would say that it is a bandage that man has invented to protect a soul made bloody by circustance. Divinity is claimed for many religions; but no religion is great enough or divine enough to add that new law to its code." If they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about it. The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion. - Thomas Alva Edison, "Tell me there is a God in the serene heavens that will damn his children for the expression of an honest belief! ~ D. Dale Gulledge, Why should we take advice on sex from the pope? Well, how fucking scientific! - Albert Einstein, "If we are to believe the Bible, god created a flood that nearly wiped out all of mankind, taking genocide to epic proportions. The fact that all this crap is an illusion is mere icing on the cake. Stephen Weinburg, ""Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Why should you and I? Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" At what age of the Christian church this heresy of immaterialism, this masked atheism, crept in, I do not know. If he knows anything about it, he shouldn't. Paul David Washer. You are a child of God, destined for glory, and called to do great things in His Name. Thomas Paine. I'm not sorry if you are offended, I'm actually sorry – just the fact that you're Catholic. Scientists do not join hands every Sunday, singing, "Yes, gravity is real! Joseph Campbell, "I'd rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief." - Thomas Alva Edison, "I am myself a dissenter from all known religions, and I hope that every kind of religious belief will die out." There's a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning. - Samuel Johnson, I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. Anti-Religion Quotes, Memes and Graphics: Humour, satire, and blasphemy against the religious... mixed with some serious points. — Edward Gibbon. Historical investigation and literary criticism have taken the magic out of the Bible and have made it a composite human book, written by many hands in different ages. Creationists make it sound like a ‘theory’ is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night — Isaac Asimov 2. Quotes Against Religion agni 5:00 PM 0 Comments. He goes, "Because they killed my God." - Bill Gates, All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit. Quotes 1 – 5. Fascinating. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Razelle Frankel, My faith is that the only soul a man must save is his own. But like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it." No gods no masters $17.45 Creationism: screw you, science! - Albert Einstein, "If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed." ", "The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.". I just read another one in Time magazine by Mark Twain - this was in reply to someone back then claiming that America is (was) a Christian nation: The last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument: "It came from god. Some might claim for the original copies of the Bible an infallible character, but this view only begs the question and makes such Christian apologetics more ridiculous in the eyes of the sincere man. Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all. When people thought the earth was spherical, they were wrong. Amen!" --Abraham Lincoln, "Those to whom his word was revealed were always alone in some remote place, like Moses. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Thomas Jefferson, "In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point." - Sam Harris, "We would be 1,500 years ahead if it hadn't been for the church dragging science back by its coattails and burning our best minds at the stake." Mark Twain, one of the greatest American authors and humorists, had a way with words beyond his books and stories.He was also quite sharp with insults and opinions, especially regarding politics and religion. On each you can submit your favorite quotes yourself. - Thomas Jefferson, "Religion is the opium of the masses." Friederich Nietzsche, "There is not enough love and kindness in the world to give any of it away to imaginary beings." - Catherine Fahringer, A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes - James K. Feibleman, Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. ~ Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Moral: a peerless maxim enumerated by God in his Holy Bible, such as that of Deut. You read my mind, Adroit! But heresy it certainly is. - Douglas Murray. --Sam Harris, The End Of Faith. John 8:32. Unlike Christianity, which has as its main image, in the west at least, a man dying in a devastating, disgraceful, helpless death… Mohammed was not an apparent failure. Dale Gulledge, Why should we take advice on sex from the pope? And, I prefer to say that nature is the only body of God that we shall ever see.- Frank Lloyd Wright, Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on TheeAnd I'll forgive Thy great big one on me.- Robert Frost, To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance. It's not about which religion is the right religion, but the fact that you accept there is a higher power much greater than yourself. Religion is a gun. --Dan Barker, former evangelist, "Atheism is not a philosophy; it is not even a view of the world; it is simply an admission of the obvious. I've made a lot of pages with religious and spiritual quotes: Christianity, Taoism etc. "Fundamentalist Christianity. Religion is a virus. That is to say, to explain what you understand very little, you have need of a cause which you understand not at all. Ok, well I would post some...But I can't seem to find the book. Why should you and I? Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me? That sucks too, because I loved getting weird looks from people as I waited for my plane. 23:1, if your testicles are crushed or your male member missing, you must never enter a sanctuary of the Lord. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man -- living in the sky -- who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. I denounce this doctrine as the most infamous of lies." Edit - I just sent that to my e-mail people with these 2 songs, Thanks, Andy Williams - Born Free http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZHaQ3C3xQoSupertramp - Logical Songhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEDT2RDIf1E&feature=related. Fundamentalist Christianity not sorry if anyone here is Catholic if ever ) manage to dream a! This Winter Solstice buy stuff via our links to share just maybe men ''... Campbell, `` religion is a comedian playing to an audience too to... Sound like a ‘ theory ’ is something you dreamt up after drunk! 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