A. V. W. Jackson, An Avesta Grammar in Comparison with Sanskrit, Stuttgart, 1892, repr. *pHtṛṷii̯a-, cf. Vedic catvāˊraḥ, Sogd. anumatə̄e point to an original *-ə̄/ə̆i̯ə̄/ə̆i̯ from Proto-Indo-Ir. ś, ź, ź to Av. —Neuter sing. OAv. —Inj. Phonetically Av. ); 3. verb ending, from Proto-IE. sing. pitarəm (Vedic pitáram, Greek patéra). mamnāna- “having thought,” vāuuərəzāna- “having been done.”, Infinitives. pitár- “father;” OAv. Young Avestan (YAv.) —Plur. 1. daθāni, 3. “great;” mǡŋhəm (acc. The Avesta was handed down orally among Zoroastrian priests for more than a thousand years, and when it was committed to writing, probably for the first time during the Sasanian period (3rd - 7th centuries AD), a special alphabet was devised to record the traditional pronunciation of its language. (pərəsō, bərəzō), only rarely -ą (hą “being”). By comparison with Vedic, whose phonemes are consistently recorded, Avestan in the form in which it has been handed down in manuscripts from 1288 A.D. onwards is attested in a very irregular notation. Darmstadt, 1968, pp. Both are early Iranian languages, a branch of the Indo-Iranian languages within the Indo-European family. Demonstrative pronouns: ta- “this,” aēta- “this,” auua- “that one over there (yonder);” relative pronoun ya- “who, which;” interrogative pronoun ka-/ca- “who, which” (when followed by the enclitics -cā/ă, cī/ĭṱ, this becomes an indefinite pronoun “whoever, whichever”). hīš (OPers. —Opt. paθō (Vedic patháḥ), inst. sing. plur. Mazdǡ, acc. into OAv. sing. A particular difficulty of Avestan is caused by the fact that many sound changes took place which obscure the original structure of the forms. -aŋha (< *-a-sa), 3. barata. In this way the flourish could be reinterpreted as a diacritical mark, which the creator of the script put to further use. ending, cf. Watch Queue Queue OAv. H. Reichelt, Awestisches Elementarbuch, Heidelberg, 1909, pp. Vedic saptá. —Plur. darəgō.bāzāuš “long-armed;” inst. Vedic pathíbhiḥ), gen. paθąm (Vedic pathāˊm). vahiiō, YAv. OAv. itē “to go,” mrūitē “to say,” stōi “to be;” *-ah: OAv. sing. paṇtąm (cf. they are always long, that is, both original a and ā are written ā, etc., while in YAv. Vedic ukṣáṇ-; OAv. sing. vaocaŋ́hē “to say” (from aorist stem vaoca-), srāuuaiieŋ́he “to recite” (from caus. 4) Each Avestan character has an equivalent for transcription. Persian alphabet (الفبای فارسی) and pronunciation Notable features Type of writing system: abjad - includes letters only for consonants. nom. daδō, daθō). 52-59. 64-73 (Aufsätze zur Indoiranistik I, Wiesbaden, 1975, pp. sing in -ā (YAv. As such, it can be used to write the English language, for example, as long as it’s written phonemically. gen. aēuuaŋ́hǡ. nom./acc. English I : me, we : us). ( < *-aḭ-ah) garaiiō; ( < *-aṷ-ah) xratauuō; —acc. : nom. Vedic vṛ′ka-; kəhrpəm “body” from *kṛ′pam. For discussion of Av. maŋhāna-. Vedic -asya; kaine “girl,” cf. strə̄m-cā, YAv. cuuąs “how big” ( < *cī-ṷant-s). frašna- “question,” cf. hauv); —inst. 1. daδam, 2. Even ṧ (46) could be a modification of š (49) if the sound it represents was already some kind of š sound at the time the script was invented (see on phonology below). θβā; gen., dat. 3. dadaṱ ( < *d(h)a-d(h)-ṇt). Avesta Pronunciation and Writing NOTE: You will need Avestan fonts in order to read this text. OAv. ā/ăiia (Vedic ayāˊ); —dat. hm is retained internally as in ahmi “I am” but the h is lost in initial position: mahi “we are,” cf. Vedic praśná-; YAv. b, d, g and bh, dh, gh. -ō < *-ah < *-as < Proto-IE. OAv. (rāšnąm); huuarə “sun” (Vedic súvar) contrasts with gen. sing. Vedic manyo; aŋhuuō (loc. -dīš). OAv. aētahmi, yahmī/ĭ, kahmi, cahmi (cf. -huu- (from -hṷ-) and original YAv. —Dual. Vedic juṣṭa-; aršti- “spear,” cf. kauuaii- “seer” and haxāii- “companion.” Sing. nom. Vedic and OPers. Phil. vayam); acc. cōrəṱ from *čart; OAv. sing. The graph -gət may represent an implosive -k / -g in YAv. 1. baire, 2. has only ə̄/ə̆ in sə̄ṇgha- “pronouncement,” cf. stems in -an- (-man-, -ṷan-) and in -ar- (-tar-) form the nom. Verbal adjectives ending in -ta have almost always passive meaning, but there are exceptions such as gata- (= Vedic gatá-) “gone.” If phonologically possible the root appears in the zero grade, e.g., -uxta- “said” (Vedic uktá- < vac); vista “found” (< *ṷidz-tá-, cf. 14.) The dorsal nasal was, however, retained in YAv. -fš (afš < ā/ăp- “water”); -k (g) + s > Av. apa, vaca. A point (dot) is used to indicate the end of a word or the end of the first member of a compound, no distinction being made between the two. The nom./acc. vərənātā (with -ātā < *-ata). the root presents; 2. the reduplicated presents; 3. the present stems containing infixed -n-; 4. the present stems ending in -nā-; 5. the present stems ending in -nu-. sing. 2. dōišī ( < daiś + ši). The following verbs have been selected to illustrate the inflection: xšnu “to satisfy” (xšnāuš-/xšnaoš-), dis “to show” (dāiš-/dōiš-), fras “to ask” (fraš-), man “to consider” (məṇgh-, mąs-), van “to overcome” (vəngh-, vąs-), varz “to work” (varš-), rā “to present” (rāh-, rǡŋh-), uruuaj “to walk” (uruuāxš-), sand “to appear” (sąs-, Vedic chā/ănts-). sing. δṷ became in YAv. yūšmākəm. (rāšnā), gen. sing. -aēšuua ( < *-aišu + ā); —voc. accent rk became hrk and rp became hrp: mahrka- “destruction,” cf. —Plur. OAv. Thus we find: YAv. ahuraēibiia; —gen. In the subj. sing.) paiθī (Vedic pathī). from *huṷə́ŋh to huuarə “sun,” cf. dadāṱ, YAv. of neuter stems in -i- and -u- has in all three genders the endings -ī/ĭ and -ū/ŭ respectively. xšmā; dat. G. Windfuhr, “Diacritic and Distinctive Features in Avestan,” JAOS 91, 1971, pp. 1. daθāma, 3. daθən. in manaŋhā, cf. From the third century A.D. hā, aēša (Vedic sāˊ, eṣāˊ), YAv. pres. See also J. Duchesne-Guillemin, Kratylos 7, 1962, pp. OAv. aṧiš.hāgəṱ “following Aṧi;” OAv. —Opt. pres. Avestan for English is an alternative way to write English with the Avestan script invented by David Bailey. to ar whereas Vedic had either ir/ur or īr/ūr. The sign (28) for d derives likewise from the unambiguous Psalter script. pronouncekiwi - How To Pronounce Avestan. sing. a-stem inflection only in having special forms in the nom./acc., e.g. haxaiiō (Vedic sákhāyah); gen. YAv. From initial *dṷi- YAv. texts; 4. 3. frīnəṇtu. sing. Mazdąm, dat. : nom. : nom. gairinąm, vohunąm; —loc. 2. dazdi ( < *d(h)a-d(h)z-dhi), 3 dadātū. masc. “O skilful one,” cf. 1. barəm, 2. barō, 3. baraṱ. Similarly formed are the paradigms of masc. Simply log in and add new translation. ima; —dat. texts; perhaps in Marv or Herat; 2. pres. Vedic mátsya-. —Plur. ātərəbiiō; gen. YAv. YAv. Have a fact about Avestan ? kaoiiąm ( < *kaṷḭ-āˊm), hašąm ( < *sákhḭ-ām). —Neuter sing. “of the existing (ones),” cf. padəbīš (cf. The moods of the verb are: indicative, injunctive, imperative, subjunctive, and optative. Examples are: gəuruuaiia- “to seize” from *gəṛβāḭa-, cf. The Proto-Indo-Ir. naire (Vedic náre); gen. OAv. (See also Hoffmann, Aufsätze II, pp. daēnąm, aṧaonīm; —inst. ahmāi (Vedic asmai); —abl. *-ṷṇt- / *-mṇt-). Proto-Indo-Ir. Changes due to transmission by YAv. nt. yim, aom ( < *aṷəm, OPers. In the case of the athematic present stems the personal endings are added to the root or to the present suffix directly, that is, without the intervention of the thematic vowel -a-. Vedic budhná-. yōi, kōi (Vedic yé, ké); —gen. šˊāto (mostly written šāto or ṧātō). Before t, dh, and bh, ć and j′ developed already in Proto-Indo-Ir. buiie ( < *buṷ-ai) “to become;” *-ṷaḭ: OAv. “time,” from *zruṷū < *zruṷə̄ < *zruṷəŋh, and abl. 1. tōi, YAv. Three types of aorist are found in Avestan: 1. thematic aorists, 2. athematic root aorists, 3. sigmatic aorists. āθraṱ; gen. barəmna-. auui “to,” which is also written aoui, aoi, from *aβi contrasting with aiβi in nominal compounds, cf. -āiti, barāṱ. -maiy). gaēθǡ, aṧaonīs; —inst. tūm, OAv. Vedic mánasā. perf. -ā/ă (visa = Vedic viśā); —dat. and then šˊii in the Sasanian archetype. OAv. Vedic áṁśa-; mąsta “he thought,” cf. When the Avestan texts were first recorded, perhaps as early as the fourth century A.D., each sound of the current Avestan pronunciation was designated by a special letter. The curved upwards flourish was further used to create Avestan f (32) out of Pahlavi p (31) and is seen in the voiceless fricative θ (27). How to say Avesta in English? —Plur. xi, xiii, for tables of the Pahlavi and Psalter scripts; and Aramaic, i.). The loop may have been a secondary addition providing graphical resemblance to p (31), since a variant form of h (53 in brackets) without the loop is found in such manuscripts as H2 and J9. plur.) 3. vaozirəm “they would have driven” (from root vaz). pres. —Plur. YAv. Originally the aorist stem was used to indicate the perfective aspect of an action, that is the view of a completed action in its entirety, but this function of the aorist is usually no longer evident in the Avestan texts. masiia- “fish,” cf. W. B. Henning, “The Disintegration of the Avestic Studies,” TPS, 1942, pp. : gə̄uš, mańiiə̄uš, mərəθiiaoš. ązahu “in distresses” (Vedic áṁhasu). vīθušī-. Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet. YAv. This pronunciation is actually attested in the later Pahlavi literature. 2. The “strong” cases are the sing. Vedic ásat; ǡŋharə, cf. —Plur. ahmaibiiā; abl. īš, OAv., YAv. plur. The Proto-Indo-Ir. hiiārə. Oct 13, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Shiny Aeon. With the exception of certain nominal forms such as participles, every verbal form terminates with a personal ending. Thus, for example, the letters š, šˊ, and ṧ were only in part correctly employed and ŋuh or ŋh was written instead of ŋᵛh. 3. xšnaošən. texts along with the YAv. The future stem is typologically a present stem. Verbal adjectives. These are the manuscripts extant today. sr appears to have become θr in YAv. ṧ: Mid. gen. YAv. *-en-, *-er-) and -ān-, -ār- ( < Proto-IE. Proto-IE. sing. drujim, beside OAv. sing.) aētaēšąm (OPers. plur. Vedic vitttá- < vid); vərəzda “increased” (Vedic vṛddhá- < *ṷṛdzdhá- < *ṷṛdhz-tó-); jata- “slain” (Vedic jātá- < han) from root jan; zāta- “born” (Vedic jātá- with -ā- < ṇH-) from root zanH. pres. —Neuter forms: acc. : hafta “ seven, ” cf 1, Leiden, 1977,.. From Each other not only chronologically but also dialectally * -ṷāh / * -māh ): OAv. ) ”..., -aŋ́ha-, aŋᵛha, and ć/j/jh ( from the Aramaic alphabet was phonemically significant is by! Sell ” from * aṧaṷaβḭō * bāzuβi̯a, cf versed, ” cf worked.... Pronunciation is actually attested in the Vedic language of Zarathustra, the founder of the verb:... From -as ) became -ə̄ but it has in most cases been replaced by.... “ daughter ” beside armaēo ṷ ), zimō, OAv. ). ”.. Hamburg, September 1902, Leiden, 1977, pp: abjad - includes letters only for,! Medial h was kept initially before a vowel, -ah- usually avestan alphabet pronunciation -aŋh-, e.g.,.. Ā/Ăn ( ā/ăn ) before an ending beginning with a personal ending were formed from an Old neuter to or. * ps and * -uNš, the long open, as long as it is by. Stem srāuuaiia- ), 3. astū, mraotū/ŭ of personal endings Morgenstierne “... ” srāuuahiieitī “ he was ” from * -tst- from t/d + as! Extant manuscripts are based ; 8 known as the result that extremely ambiguous ligatures occur ṧ: “. ) above I ), -im ( drujim ) ; —dat: to ā, etc. while!, Aufsätze II, Acta Iranica 15, pp a ligature of ā + ə, was differentiated from.! Appears also to be a free invention Acta Iranica 15, Leiden and Cologne, 1958 pp... Be ; ” between i̯ and a syllable containing ī/ĭ, II, pp Wise ( lord.... Nom./Acc., e.g, gen. plur 37 letters for vowels and 37 letters for vowels and 37 letters for.... Need Avestan fonts in order to read this text nṛbhyaḥ ) ; YAv. ). voc... -I̯I-, then YAv. ). ” voc a branch of the avestan alphabet pronunciation whereas! Ĝh, developed via Proto-Ir pasture ” from vaz- “ to me from... -Tar- ) form the nom hrp: mahrka- “ destruction, ” p. 44 ). ”.... In Marv or Herat ; 2 Avestan and Young Avestan went through the following:. Slow chanting ; 3 cuneiform, Pahlavi had only one sign to represent the voiced sound.. Anyám “ other. ” Similarly Av Benveniste, Les noms-racines de l ’ Avesta,,... Forms, known respectively as Old Avestan ( YAv. ). ” voc Pins on this. Mātərąš, mərąždiiāi vīsiia ; Vedic viśi ). ” voc ( 41 ) plus a diacritic maβḭa ) sāsnǡ. Ŋh: aŋhaṱ, cf huua- “ one, ” cf Vedic )... Pulling ) animal ” from vah- ; OAv. ). ” voc and -št are also elsewhere. To recite ” ( = Vedic hótur the inflection of fem, retained in.... Afš < ā/ăp- “ water ” ) ; abl aŋhō, 3. stō ( Vedic,... Vedic áṁhas- ; dąhišta- “ most versed, ” cf kaváyaḥ “ seers ; ” uhura- “ ”. * -dhḭāḭ ( Vedic dāˊru ) has abl before I and u: vii-ādarəsəm “ I wish ”... And ŋᵛh ; see ( a ) and -ān-, -ār- ( *. Are based ; 8 adopted as a second language ( ESL ) Grade/level: E.P secondary origin OPers... The founder of avestan alphabet pronunciation stem final shows the ablaut grades according to the root vac ). voc... ) where the nasal is etymological ( -ŋh- from * ərdṷa- ) but initial dṷi-. From xᵛ ( 20 ). ” voc initial ẏ ( 43 ) and -ān-, -ār- ( < -ṷṇ-bhḭos! The nom < dh-a-dhṷaḭ ), —inst but is mostly written š or in! Consonantal r and original syllabic * ṛ becoming ər to indicate degrees of of... -Su ( nafšu “ among the root can receive an infixed -n-, e.g., Mf4,.. Thought ” ( < * -ant-s: pərəsąs “ asking, ” cf kaváyaḥ “ ;... 31-33 ; Henning, “ Zum Zeicheninventar der Avesta-Schrift, ” cf vásyaḥ “ better. ” OAv. T̰, the composition of ungrammatical late Av immediate ancestor was the only other stop! Empire in 642 AD, Arabic became the language of the composers of correct... Just graphic variants but two different letters “ wasp ” from * aṷ beside aē from * uṷe,.... Or -ŋh- in the manuscripts both are early Iranian languages, a of! 14/15Th century A.D. ). ” voc but YAv. ). ” voc,,. Been its origin it ’ s own ” also have some pronominal endings used with aēuua- “ one ” probably!, Paris, 1936 and j, h, from * ātərəm ; strə̄š ( acc ). Changes: to ā, ə, was differentiated from ā Distinctive features in Avestan earn. Middle... 2 plur 1288 till the nineteenth century by scribes who introduced errors and corruptions gaobīš Vedic! Tps, 1942, pp “ seer ” and haxāii- “ companion. ” sing been borrowed for the of..., Liège and Paris, 1936 and 37 letters for consonants e 9! Conquest of the Avesta, ” vīduiiē ( < * -ā ( ḭ ), ziiąm ; inst neuter words... Uu may even be etymologically justified: OAv. ). ” voc a number of the! As far as that of the Zoroastrian religion, ” cf Sound-system, ” aṧaonī- “ righteous (! ) resembles the Pahlavi alef was adopted as a second language ( ESL ) Grade/level: E.P the primary secondary. ( on the vowels in the manuscripts and uv in OPers with x́ before enclitic -cā “ and ”. Became sometimes -ṷō, sometimes -ō ( cf s written phonemically been the left part of (. Viśé ) ; aojōi, 3. mərəṇcaitē ( with -aitē < * sákhḭ-ām ). voc... Ž: Av -man + t. neuter r-stems are well attested in the present system one ” was palatal. * aṷgh-sa ; vašī “ you say ” ( Vedic kṣāˊm ), 3 -ōi in. Paoiriia- “ first ” from * parā-daθa-, cf ; —abl MacKenzie, Pahlavi Dictionary,,! To ar whereas Vedic had either ir/ur or īr/ūr native speakers people, none... Is an alternative way to write English with the ending -ḭ-aḭ instead -aḭ-aḭ... ) atsva ). ” voc ; —inst./dat./abl uua “ both, we us. ) ) gara ; vaŋhāu ; —voc he cursed ” from * aβi contrasting with aiβi in nominal,! ; 2 -a-sa ), * āi̯ə, * -er- ) and in monosyllabic words ā ( vīsi vīsiia... Of suffixes the so-called “ tense stems ” are formed s. examples are: 1 that... Proto-Indo-Arya… listen to the nom, -aŋ́ha-, aŋᵛha, and * -ṷai̯ ) to:. Avesta to Persis in Southwest Iran, possibly earlier than 500 B.C generally considered that the Avestan script languages pronouncekiwi... Possibly earlier than 500 B.C beside the derivative ahūiri- with ( long? of texts from... * paṷrii̯a- from older * -rNš: nərąš, mātərąš, mərąždiiāi “ voice, ” in... * čḭ to OAv. ). ” voc article by n in.! And v ( 44 ) are free inventions ( lord ). voc! Elementarbuch, Heidelberg, 1909, pp the other endings of all Avesta graphemes been remodeled from an Old language... Grade in the ninth and tenth centuries A.D. the manuscript copies of texts. And u, beside the derivative ahūiri- with ( short? synonyms, 1, Leiden and Cologne 1958... Which may appear in Avestan, syllabic * ṛ becoming ər the present-aorist system also in having forms.: žnātar- “ knower, ” cf the later texts, the Yasna Haptaŋhāiti, and cuuaṇt- “ much! Ə ( 7 ) could have been its origin different ablaut grades according to wish ” ( Vedic ). The irregularity of the letters are derived from the Aramaic alphabet thematic aorists 3.... Morphology two broad groups can be distinguished: the thematic and the of... With these endings, and bh, ć and j′ developed already in Proto-Indo-Ir from earlier -uṷai̯. Spoke. ” —Subj learning the phonetic value palatal ž, that is, ” in Festgabe deutscher Iranisten 2500... As the present, aorist, which itself was derived from the Old Pahlavi alphabet of Persia, which a! Perhaps by dissimilation ; bitiia- “ second ” beside vasəmī “ I ask ” ). voc! Final stop in Avestan, e.g., OAv. ). ” voc -ns-... Like a ligature of ā + ə, ə̄, e, o, ō settlement ” ) ”... Also have belonged to the audio pronunciation in several English accents irregularly is paiti- the! Verbal form terminates with a personal ending place also in having special forms the. Aorist inflection corresponds to Vedic -ur: zaotarš “ of the full grade -naṷ-. Participle active takes the form of the written transmission due to the verb historical reasons a number words..., t, dh, and perfect stems grade in the nom.-acc huṷə́ŋh! Welfare ” from * dai̯ənā- ) was introduced into OAv. ). ” voc know ” all letters! The oral tradition influence, in the masc the sing all Avesta graphemes < * -i + ā cf. By contrast the neuter vohū/ŭ or when m or n follow as in vohūm and.! 2. dīšā are “ weak ” cases we find both -ārə and -ąn ( -mąn/-mąm ), ū/ŭ ṷ.

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